Locking Parklands | Landscape Design & Green Infrastructure Strategy

We were commissioned by St Modwen and Homes England to prepare a Green Infrastructure Strategy and detailed landscape designs for Locking Parklands – a new settlement of 1,450 homes in Weston-super-Mare.




St Modwen







Project Vision

Green Infrastructure at Locking Parklands will provide a network of multi-functional green spaces which will deliver quality of life, health and wellbeing and environmental benefits. The strategy was underpinned by a number of key priorities including a focus on biodiversity, active travel, SUDs, play, and community involvement.

Design Approach

The GI network is underpinned by a series of interconnected strategies for Trees & woodland, Ecology & Biodiversity, access & Movement, Play, and community to forge a cohesive and holistic approach. The scheme integrates a new Central Park, Rhyne Corridors, an Arboretum, Ponds Park which are connected by a series of green streets.

Sustainability Approach

The network of Green Spaces and connected Green Corridors across Locking Parklands will be designed and maintained to enhance biodiversity and deliver long term ecological and wildlife benefits and include a range of new habitat types. Traffic free cycle routes and footpaths will be created around the perimeter of the site, through the Southern Parkland areas and through the Rhyne corridors. These routes will ensure that an integrated network to encourage active travel is created.

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