Crewkerne Phase 1: Land off Station Road

Working with client Taylor Wimpey, LHC Design’s urban design, landscape and architectural team have helped to secure consent for a development of 110 new homes on the eastern edge of Crewkerne.

This first phase, which achieved Reserved Matters consent in March 2021, will deliver a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bed houses and apartments (including affordable housing) providing a high quality residential development that integrates well with neighbouring areas of Crewkerne. LHC’s team is now working on the technical delivery prior to the scheme starting on site in 2021, and a subsequent phase of 525 dwellings to be submitted later this year.


Taylor Wimpey


Architecture, Urban Design & Masterplanning




Reserved Matters consent granted March 2021

The site lies to the south of a wider eastern expansion area to the town which was allocated in 2013 in the South Somerset Local Plan for a mixed-use development. LHC’s scheme builds upon the principles set by the outline permission. It will create an attractive development that retains the key existing site features, delivers high quality green spaces and streets, and provides connections between existing and proposed housing and the wider landscape.

The landscape design will reinforce and enhance the existing flora and fauna and create an increase in biodiversity through the delivery of enhanced green spaces that link to the wider countryside, native planting, and the integration of wildlife while providing amenity spaces, sustainable drainage systems and an attractive setting for new residential properties.

The architectural design and layout of the proposed houses is informed by the character of Crewkerne; drawing on the urban form, materials and simple details from local precedents and reflecting Crewkerne’s sense of place through the use of locally distinctive materials, including a mix of brick colours, detailing and a variety of porch types

Crewkerne urgently needs more housing, including affordable housing, along with employment land to deliver economic growth in the town. The site helps to meet these needs while also unlocking a wider key site to the north, which will ultimately provide community uses, infrastructure, public open space and educational facilities.

The development will enable the creation of a proposed new link road that will relieve traffic congestion from through traffic in the historic town centre.