An online public consultation will be open from 5th to 28th September which invites feedback from the local community on the redevelopment of the former Derby Laceworks site on Derby Road, Barnstaple.
See below to view the information panels which were available at the public consultation and to take part in the online questionnaire.
Homes England aspires to redevelop the site to provide new homes to support the regeneration of the town. The challenge is to achieve this in a sensitive manner while respecting and keeping important aspects of the site’s heritage. We have fully appraised the historic importance of the site in order to make a balanced judgement in what to keep.
The masterplan and refurbishment proposals have been designed by LHC and consider the sympathetic redevelopment of the most significant parts of the existing buildings; the scale, alignment and dimensions of streets and spaces; relationships to the existing development edge and; access and routes to the surrounding areas.
The feedback gathered will be used to help shape the final design of the development before a planning application is submitted to North Devon District Council. Come along and have your say on the proposals, or visit the online questionnaire and leave your feedback.
You can click to view or download the INFORMATION PANELS here
Click here to take part in the ONLINE FEEDBACK QUESTIONNAIRE