New homes in Chard

The LHC urban design team was commissioned by Kier Living to secure Reserved Matters planning consent for a new development of 200 homes at Tatworth Road, Chard. The land already had outline planning permission, and LHC’s masterplan established the layout, appearance, landscaping and scale of  this development.

The architectural team has delivered detailed house designs and work began in spring 2019 on this attractive, sustainable development which is set to provide much needed affordable homes and generous open spaces.




Kier Living


Architecture, Urban Design & Masterplanning






On site

The masterplan for 200 homes was carefully developed with regard to the character of the surrounding area and the site constraints. The scheme, which was awarded consent in Feb 2019, will provide a range of houses to meet the identified local need. The development will include 70 affordable homes along with financial contributions to support education, sports facilities and local play facilities.

The new homes will be of a similar scale to adjacent houses; they will be of a contemporary design, and will reflect Chard’s character and sense of place through the use of locally distinctive materials including slate, brick, stone and render, and reflect local details such as gable features and porches.

LHC’s landscape scheme creates a green infrastructure for the site that links to wider landscape features. Key existing site features are retained such as the native boundary hedgerows and existing trees to the site boundaries. New landscape spaces are concentrated to provide generous open space within the scheme, avoiding the creation of poor quality left over spaces.