Liskeard Cattle Market

LHC was commissioned by Cornwall Council to review the current commercial situation for the cattle market site and the general town centre area. The commission reviewed the regeneration/redevelopment options for Cattle Market site looking at the commercial viability of the existing uses and identifying other potential uses that could reinvigorate the town centre as well as bring the site into more appropriate and viable use.


Liskeard, Cornwall


Cornwall Council


Urban Design & Masterplanning


Mixed Use

The report included detailed analysis / review of local economic issues, business, employment and retail needs within the town and a broad overview of wider catchment area. The team was also tasked with identifying potential funding / investment options, including local, regional and central government funding and well as other sources of private / public investment or funding opportunities.

Extensive local and community engagement was undertaken and the feedback included in the review and design process with working group and stakeholder meetings as well as separate public consultations.

Cost analysis of the initial options was undertaken to assess the viability of each, and to assist in the identification of a preferred option. Planning, cost and highways analysis and advice were also sought as part of the feasibility process which fed into the report process.

The project was able to identify several development options for the site and also generated significant local interest including business and community project opportunities. The challenge has been to balance community needs / wants with realistic regeneration that didn’t impact significantly on existing town offer.

Three options were initially proposed with a preferred option taken forward for further study and development.