
Welcome to the Team Rosalind!

A big welcome to Rosalind, our new Marketing Officer!

Rosalind brings her experience, enthusiasm and understanding of Architecture, Design and the built environment sector. She enjoys learning about the business and getting everyone on board to deliver the new marketing strategy. She is already focused on driving engagement on our website and social media channels.

She works tirelessly between our Cornwall, Plymouth and Exeter studios and supports our vision and key priorities by nurturing existing relationships and creating new opportunities.

We caught up with Rosalind to learn more about her and this exciting new role!

What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?

  Bold, Creative and Compassionate!

Who inspires you and why?

I am an aesthetic creature and revel in great design. Great communicators, visual or verbal, also inspire me. People that can effectively listen and impart ideas, ignite interest and curiosity, and inspire others to work together to create something greater than the sum of their parts.

What do you admire in others?

I admire people with balance, tenacity, and grit. Attitude is everything!

What is your favourite piece of work you have undertaken?

Team Retrofit – Breathing new life into existing buildings. This is a key growth area for our business, with projects as diverse as a 1970’s commercial office building like Brittany House, to a heritage asset like Oldway Mansion in Paignton.

I enjoy deep diving into our vast experience and capability in this sector and bringing it to the forefront. With a business of this size, it will take time to fully understand the mechanics, so I am learning something new every day. It’s been great to be able to get stuck in with getting everyone on board with the new marketing strategy, and using my skills to create campaigns to support LHC’s vision and key priorities.

What drives you in your work?

Having a positive impact, whether that be through creating new business opportunities or supporting the company culture. It has always revolved around creating great relationships and using my creativity and insight to identify a path and implement new approaches.

How would you describe your working style?

I work best with clear goals I can work towards. I like a combination of periods of deep focus on a given subject and collaboration. At LHC Design I am surrounded by so many creative minds and interesting projects. My hybrid working pattern allows me to balance each way of working, which really assists my productivity and wellbeing.

What interests do you have outside of work?

I like to stay physically active, whether that be Yoga , HIIT or Swimming. It’s a time when I can clear my mind and recharge. It’s a great way to check in with myself, and it sets me up for the day ahead.

I love the social side of cooking and preparing a meal together, my Mum is a wonderful cook and baker, and I am still learning a great deal from her. I have also benefited from some international friendships. This has given me great insight into different cultures, so my cooking is definitely fusion cuisine!

I completed a self-build project 3 years ago, and this has fuelled my passion for design; I am still working on the interior of my home, and find so much satisfaction in creating a distinctive space that has my style written all over it!

Where would be your ultimate travel location?

India, it’s so full of energy, colour and spirituality. Over the years, I have done quite a bit of solo travel, just me and my Camera. It always opens so many doors and sustains my creativity and appetite for adventure!

What impact do you hope you have within LHC?

LHC have a great company culture, it is my job to nurture our existing relationships and shine a light on all the good work that is happening here. Beyond this, I want to be an integral part of steering the company toward future opportunities for growth and ensure they attract the types of work that align with the company values, are sustainable and professionally fulfilling.