Senior Landscape Architect, David Entrican, is a Building with Nature Approved Assessor. But what is it? Greenwash? Well no, it’s quite the opposite. We’ll let David explain…
What is Building with Nature, David?
It’s the UK’s first benchmark for green infrastructure which can genuinely assist with the planning and development of new places and communities for the benefit of both people and wildlife. There are 12 Standards which shape the development through the design process.
Why were you interested in the scheme and undertaking the course?
Living in Devon, I have easy access to many amazing landscape and places. With increasing evidence that being close to nature brings so many positive benefits, I want to help shape new developments so that they bring nature closer to people, while benefitting our local wildlife too.
How can we advise clients?
I think it’s important to show the benefits that working with nature can bring to people and wildlife; resulting in better designed communities, and buildings that work with nature. As I’m now an Approved Assessor, LHC can offer advice and assessment for clients who’d like to work towards a Building with Nature Award, and who wish to make the best of green infrastructure in and around their development sites in line with the 12 Standards.
What does undertaking a Building with Nature assessment entail?
Guided by the Approved Assessor, the design team provides evidence of how the design meets the 12 Standards. The Assessor collates this evidence and completes a scoresheet which is then validated by Building with Nature.
What are the benefits?
Used as early in the design process as possible, Building with Nature can reduce planning uncertainty and guide developments with a robust, evidence-based set of design principles to make sure we create high-quality, high-value schemes that really put nature at their heart.
…and finally, from Building with Nature themselves
You can use Building with Nature Standards to guide every type and scale of development. The standards are designed to support the quality of green infrastructure in projects of all sizes, from infill development up to new settlements.
A Building with Nature Award can provide a scheme with formal recognition of meeting the Standards, an external verification of quality that can reassure a wide set of stakeholders that you are committed to the design and delivery of high-quality green infrastructure, at both pre- and post-construction stages. There are two types of award for physical development:
Building with Nature Design Award is used to accredit projects at an early stage of design, for example an outline planning application in larger schemes
Building with Nature Full Award is used to accredit projects at a more detailed stage of design and includes a post-construction check.
If you are interested in this service please email for the attention of David Entrican.