
Halse Site, Honiton – Public Consultation 27th June to 1st July 2016

HCA Mill Street Honiton, Consultation PanelsThe Homes and Communities Agency are consulting regarding potential new Starter Homes on the Halse Farm Machinery site at West End, Honiton. The purpose of this consultation is to provide the community with an early opportunity to comment on outline plans for 30 new starter homes on the Halse site between High Street and King Street, Honiton.

We would be grateful if you could let us have your feedback on the emerging proposals. The consultation panels are available below, along with a link to the online consultation.

Click here to take part in the online survey

Click here to download consultation panels PDF

Your comments will be used to inform the design of the proposed scheme, and will be included in the Statement of Community Involvement that will be submitted to East Devon District Council as part of the planning application.

If you are interested in purchasing a Starter Home please fill in the relevant section of the consultation questionnaire.

If you would like any further information please contact Paul Osborne by email at studio@lhc.net